Why are trends in studying abroad important? Because this helps you grow as an individual, learn new languages, appreciate other cultures, and gain a better understanding of the globe. Firms nowadays seek these qualities in a candidate while hiring, and they will only grow more significantly in the future.
The Institute of International Education's (IIE) 2020/2021 Open Doors Report offers insights into studying abroad trends that might help individuals pursuing a business degree. Furthermore, exploring oneself while learning about a foreign culture is one of the advantages of studying abroad.
What are the advantages of studying abroad for your future?
Studying abroad can help you kickstart your career and make you more marketable because it demonstrates to potential and current employers that you have the flexibility, resourcefulness, and ambition to adapt to new circumstances.
International students studying in the United States
According to the IIE 2020/2021 Open Doors Report, the United States remains one of the most popular choices among international students because of its top-ranked schools. It's no surprise that the US continues to attract students from all over the world, with universities like Stanford, Harvard, and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Despite a minor drop in applicants of 15% compared to prior years, more than 914,000 overseas students registered in US educational institutions searching for better professional opportunities.
New York University continues to be the most popular institution, with 17,050 international students, followed by Northeast University – Boston and Columbia University. It's worth mentioning that the top leading host institutions on the West Coast are still located in California for 2020/2021.
Students from the United States studying abroad
While the United States is clearly a popular destination for international students, it is also true that the US sends many students abroad. Despite a significant drop in applicants interested in international degrees, recent data show that over 162,000 US students choose to enhance their perspectives and job opportunities by studying abroad.
Europe remains a popular choice for American students, with Spain and the United Kingdom hosting the most. According to the most recent study abroad trends and data, Australia is also a top choice among US students interested in studying abroad.
The future of education and trends in study abroad
Although the most recent 2020/2021 Open Doors study-abroad trends show a decrease in international students enrolling in US schools and a rise in US students studying abroad, student mobility is still an essential aspect of education.
Students' desire for knowledge and self-improvement endures despite the ongoing epidemic, political conflicts, and economic difficulties worldwide. Keep an eye out for further developments by frequently checking back with us!
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