CEMS master's in international management (CEMS MIM) is a one-year degree program taught jointly by CEMS business schools and universities for a select set of students at member institutions. CEMS MIM is jointly offered by all alliance members and is only open to students enrolled in a master's in business administration, management, economics, or other specialized master's programs, at one of the CEMS member schools or universities.
Since its inception in 2005, the Financial Times Ranking (the most prominent business school rankings globally) has consistently ranked the CEMS MIM among the top ten best global business study options.
How do I apply?
CEMS MIM is jointly offered by all alliance members and is only open to students enrolled in a master's program in business administration, management, economics, or other specialized master's programs, at one of the CEMS member schools or universities.
CEMS MIM Application Requirements
Students enrolling in a master's program (M.Sc.) in business administration, management, or economics at one of the CEMS member schools or universities can apply for the CEMS MIM. Students enrol for the program at the postgraduate level, and they must complete it concurrently with the home school's master's requirements. CEMS MIM candidates must meet the following criteria:
They must be enrolled in a Master of Science degree at one of the member schools before beginning their MIM studies.
Proof of academic preparation is required: have a bachelor's degree in management, economics, or a similar discipline; or have completed at least 60 ECTS of full-time business study (eventually presented at the program start).
Proof of English proficiency is required.
CEMS MIM Selection Process
A one-on-one interview,
CV and cover letter submission,
any other evidence (if any) required by each CEMS institution to evaluate your profile.
What is the purpose of this program?
This program aims at bachelor's degree graduates worldwide who want to work in a global setting.
Schools look for applicants who are not just academically brilliant but also demonstrate a high degree of ethical conduct, who can draw on cultural diversity with respect and empathy, and who demonstrate professional responsibility and accountability regarding society as a whole. To be an effective international manager, you must meet these requirements.
What does this program offer?
Through experiential leadership development workshops, this program is to prepare you for leadership positions in a highly competitive worldwide labour market.
You obtain an in-depth understanding of international business management, hands-on experience through real-world projects and foreign internships, and a high level of management training.
You will obtain two highly regarded qualifications: your home degree and the CEMS MIM certificate.
In all member schools, standard curricular content is in place, and quality criteria agreed jointly must be met. Member schools give a high-quality local approach to a global curriculum within these parameters.
CEMS MIM prospects
CEMS was founded to bridge the gap between academia and business. Since 2010, CEMS has included non-profit organizations as social partners to influence all CEMS alliance members positively.
Skill seminars, business projects, and networking events integrate the corporate and non-profit worlds into the classroom, allowing students to benefit from these contacts. This one-on-one contact will enable students to learn about several career options and meet key decision-makers from various industries.
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